When I first started blogging, I simply began with what I was then reading, which happened to be a novel. As time went on, I jumped on the YA bandwagon, and started adding these books to my already rather lengthy TBR list. This took me down a rather long stretch of time in which I mostly read fiction, albeit slowly, since I'm by no means a speed reader. Besides, my two jobs take up quite a bit of my time. Of course, I do need food and other necessities in order to survive; hence, I am in no position to quit either job. Anyway, during my first year as a blogger, I did tend to read more fiction, with a nonfiction book here and there as I went along.
After a while, I began to feel that my own blog, as well as other blogs I was reading and following, were exerting an unintentional pressure on my reading habits. I then realized that, slowy but surely, I had stopped reading nonfiction altogether. Now, let me hasten to add that I enjoy reading fiction tremendously! I'm especially fascinated by strange new worlds, as well as romance. Thus, my favorite fiction genres are fantasy, science fiction, literary fiction, classics, Christian fiction, and three romance sub-genres: paranormal, historical and contemporary. However, I have an equal need to analyze and probe certain topics in the intellectual realm, namely philosophy, theology, and psychology. I also love art and literary criticism, not to mention poetry, on occasion. So I turned my thoughts to adding such books to my blog, eventually building up to a more or less equal amount of fiction and nonfiction books.
I briefly toyed with the idea of creating a nonfiction blog, but decided that I wouldn't have the time to keep up with two blogs. So I then tried mentioning a nonfiction book here and there on the fiction blog. Finally, I ended up posting the same two book reviews I have posted on this blog...
The result? Not a single comment! Absolutely none. I guess I shouldn't have been surprised. After all, I had been emphasizing YA books on my original blog, with occasional ventures into fantasy and science fiction. The audience I had therefore built up consisted of people who love young adult novels, and perhaps some adult romance. I was mortified to have to admit that the reviews I had posted would not interest such an audience.
So it was that, after much cogitation and inner debates, I finally started my nonfiction book review blog...
Although I'll be promoting this blog through the usual avenues -- Book Blogs, Facebook, Google +, I am aware that my readership will probably be rather small. That saddens me, but then, I suppose it's to be expected. I think the majority of readers gravitate toward fiction, whatever genre they might prefer. Nonfiction is, perhaps, assumed to be rather dull. Of course, nothing could be further from the truth. It all depends on which nonfiction genres one happens to like.
I have already mentioned the genres I love, in both fiction and nonfiction. In regards to nonfiction, I would consider a book pretty dull if it dealt with anything related to business. As for political topics, it depends. If they have some connection to other topics I'm interested in, such as psychology, then I'm in. If not, then absolutely not. Math is another nonfiction subject I find incredibly boring. I would like it to be otherwise, though, because then I could read books about the latest discoveries in physics, for example. I especially like the relationship between physics and spirituality.
So...here I am, having finally created my nonfiction blog! Although I know it probably won't be as succesful as my fiction blog, I'm sure it will meet a need. Those who are meant to find it, will. Those who enjoy reading nonfiction as much as I do, will hopefully become followers, comment, and bring their like-minded friends along.
As much as I enjoy fiction, I need nonfiction, as well. After all, my intellectual/spiritual/speculative lives need to thrive just as much as my imaginative/creative ones do!
Right there with you! I wasn't getting any readership on my Christian books on Wonderland either, which is why I started Fishers of Books. I definitely don't expect that it'll increase readership greatly, but it just seemed to be a better fit, and because of Wonderland I've realized how much I like blogging just for the sake of it.
How do you juggle this when you're putting in requests for nonfiction ARCs on NetGalley? Seems like you deserve the numbers you've racked up over at A Night's Dream of Books, but it is a different blog...
As for your comment about nonfiction, I love to learn and really wish I could read more nonfiction, but unfortunately I don't seem to have the attention span :(. Any tips?
Thanks for stopping by Fishers of Books! To read my reply to your wonderful comment click here.
Annie in Wonderland - new follower here :)
Oh, how WONDERFUL!! My very first comment on my nonfiction blog!! HOORAY!! A wonderful comment, too, from an inhabitant of Wonderland!! Lol.
On a more serious note... Yes, I can understand why you started Fishers of Books. (GREAT title, by the way!) There are a LOT of people who are interested in YA fiction, but not that many are into specifically Christian fiction, whether it's YA or adult. And forget about Christian nonfiction! We've started our separate blogs for the very same reason -- we both need to read books other tnan the ones on our main blogs. We also need to review them. Whether or not we get a lot of readers/commenters/followers, we STILL need to do this. It's an inner need that we absolutely MUSt satisfy.
As for juggling requests for nonfiction ARCs on NetGalley, I don't, because I haven't made any. I utterly DETEST ebooks and ereaders! Give me a PHYSICAL book anytime!! I haven't really gotten a lot of ARCs. though, not even physical ones. I have reviewed a few books by indie authors, but those authors have contacted me to request reviews. You know, I really would much prefer to receive the finished product. If that means I have to buy the book, then so be it! I can't help thinking that ARCs are not quite like the final published book, and this does bother me...
I don't know if I have any tips for reading nonfiction! Lol. I don't know...there are certain topics (see the list in my header above), that simply fascinate me! I LOVE to raad about them!! So I guess I simply can't help doing so...
You're very welcome for my visit to Fishers of Books! I'll stop by again to read your reply to my comment. And oh, yes, THANK YOU SO MUCH for becoming a Linky Follower here!! : )
Hi, Just to let you know it may have been nothing to do with no one liking non fiction as to why you didn't get many comments. Even some top bloggers don't get comments on reviews. I only get the odd one every now and again. To get more comments the only thing you can really do is to take part in Memes like top ten tuesday (broke and the bookish) :)
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